Simon Smoldon – President

Originally from Birmingham, England and having learned his trade at Sutton Coldfield RFC, Simon arrived in Canada with just 3 bags and 3 hundred dollars to his name and joined the BLRC in 1997. 

He was overwhelmed by the warm welcome he received upon arrival and has since served the BLRC as a player, coach, and is enjoying his second stint as Club President.

Simon is committed to working hard with all members of our fantastic club, our generous sponsors, and our partners at the City of Burnaby and Sports Tourism Burnaby. 

The goal being to ensure we do all we can to make Burnaby Lake Rugby Club the best rugby club in North America, a great representative of the City of Burnaby, and a home for all.

We are striving to make Burnaby Lake a model of sustainability as a non profit sports organization and an environment where athletes and members of all ages, genders, and ethnicities can develop, thrive and fulfil their potential. This applies to the sports field, personal life and career. 

Simon is proud that BLRC was built by volunteers for volunteers and is a huge promoter of rugby in the community.

Let’s go Blue & White !!!!!

Michael Devlin – Ex-President

Mike Devlin has been a member of the Burnaby Lake Rugby Club since 2007 and served on the Executive committee since 2008, serving as President from 2010 to 2014. As a player, he captained the Premier Reserve team to a BC Provincial Championship in 2011.
Mike served BC Rugby as a member of the Discipline Committee from 2011 to 2019 and spent numerous years as an Executive member of the Vancouver Rugby Union.

Rebecca Suchodolski – Club Secretary

Rebecca has been part of BLRC since 2015 where she started with the Junior Women’s program but grew up around the club watching her dad and uncle play. She is now part of the Senior Women’s program in various capacities. Rebecca has served on the BLRC Executive Board since 2018. She has helped create the code of conduct for the club and is the current secretary. When not at rugby, Rebecca is usually hanging out with her dog, Stanley.

Jason Cain – Vice President

Jason Cain is the Vice President of the Burnaby Lake Rugby Club, a role he has held for the past 8 years. He has been with the BLRC since its inception in 1994 both as a player and in different executive roles. He is passionate about fundraising and supporting junior rugby and is the host of the alumni tent. You can find him and his dog Buddy on the field at all home games.

Jon Clark – Junior Rugby Coordinator

Jon grew up in Burnaby only minutes away from BLRC. Jon has played rugby since he was in grade 8, continuing until a couple years after graduation until he moved away to Edinburgh. During his tenure in Scotland, Jon lived next to Murrayfield which grew his love for the sport further as he attended several internation Scotland matches. He moved back to Vancouver in 2005 with a brief stint back to Edinburgh in 2016/17 where his son, Fin Clark (current BLRC senior player) player. This is where Jon got involved in managing youth rugby which carried forth back to BLRC where he has managed Junior Boys Rugby at all levels.

Tomas Sadler-Rucht – Director at Large

Tomas has been part of BLRC since 2018. He started as a member of the Men’s Third Division Team and has grown to be a leader on the field. He is now part of the BLRC Executive Board, serving as a game day revenue coordinator. Tom is always ready to lend a helping hand to ensure the success of all club members. When not at rugby, Tom is hanging out with his dog, Stanley

Trevor Flynn – Director at Large

Trevor Flynn has been an integral part of the Burnaby Lake Rugby Club for the past decade, embodying dedication and leadership in various capacities. As a longstanding member, his commitment and passion for the sport have contributed significantly to the club’s growth and success. Beyond his role on the field, Trevor’s involvement in the executive team, including his position as the club’s registrar, showcases his strategic thinking and organizational skills, helping steer the club towards new heights. His dual role as a player and captain of the 3rd team exemplifies his ability to inspire and guide his teammates both on and off the pitch. With a decade of steadfast service, Trevor Flynn has truly become a cornerstone of the Burnaby Lake Rugby Club, leaving an indelible mark on its history.

Lalit Bharadwaj – Director at Large

Lalit, also known as Bee, moved to Burnaby from Calgary in 2022 and has since been a part of the Rugby team as well as the executive team since. Bee has played rugby for 12 years in several unions and countries and has captained his university side at the University of Calgary Dinos as well as his previous club, the Calgary Saints. Since his move, Bee has played in the premiership, premiership reserve, 3rd division, the BC bears, has helped coach Burnaby Mountain high school, and the BLRC U19 boys team. He has also helped in organizing several social events and fundraisers. He also makes some incredible Indian food that has featured on several Thursday night dinners as well as the Boxing Day memorial game.

Lauren – Director at Large

Lauren has been a playing member of the BLRC women’s program since 2006. She has also served as an Executive Committee member for multiple terms during her tenure at BLRC. Her most recent term began in 2022. Lauren is our women’s program representative and is committed to developing the womens game and growing our membership.

Roger Cervo – Fundraising and Sponsorship Director

Roger Joined the BLRC executive team in 2020. He has since been responsible for the annual BLRC golf tournament and corporate sponsorships. He has also been involved in helping the next generation of players and fostering a sense of community for all.

John McGallivray – Treasurer

I have been the treasurer of the BLRC since 2015. I have been a member of the club since the merger of the Buffaloes and the Trojans. My rugby career started in 1976 as a member of the Trojans. Although I have not played contact rugby for 20 years, I still get our regularly to play touch with the Evergreens in Stanley Park. Now days, the closest I want to get to contact rugby is watching games from the comfort of the BLOBS zone.